Burnett International University, School of Education and Human Services, consists of the following programs of study leading to the degrees Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Arts in Social Work Education, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Therapy Education, Master of Arts in Education, and Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. These programs are designed to prepare students for careers in the evolving profession of education and in the human services field.
The Undergraduate Programs of the School of Education is offered a Bachelor of Art in elementary education, and/or early childhood education, and special education. Candidates in elementary education may also take courses for the early childhood Certificate.
In addition to teacher education, the school offers a range of programs including a bachelor of social work, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Therapy Education.
The mission of the School of Education and human Service Professions is to provide academic programs for all levels of educational practitioners including K-12, higher education and university. The School of Education prepares teacher candidates to become “knowledgeable, competent, socially conscious and reflective practitioners.” To reach this goal of graduating teachers who perform in a competent manner in today’s multidimensional learning environment, the School of Education is based on:
1- the ability to practice introspection regarding self-development and pedagogy;
2- the development and selection of strategies and materials that foster multicultural understanding;
3- the development of a solid foundation in learning theory;
4- the integration of instructional technology throughout content study in the classroom and laboratory;
5- the respect and valuing for difference in our society;
The Vision of faculty and students is clearly focused on fostering excellence and equity in Haitian and America’s school.