The School of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Environmental will provide opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to achieve excellence through intellectual and technological advancements in the agricultural, food, environmental and life sciences that will cultivate and enhance their potential for global leadership, productivity and competitiveness. The School of Agricultural and Environment prepares you for a future that is dynamic and promising.
The School of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Environmental will help foster the emergence of BIU into a leading comprehensive University through the development and expansion of premiere teaching, research and extension programs in food, agricultural, environmental and the life sciences.
The School of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Environmental is organized in the land-grant university tradition where programs of resident instruction in the food and agricultural sciences as well as closely related areas are offered. Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension completes the land grant institution triumvirate. Formal programs of resident instruction through curricula in agriculture have served the state’s citizens successfully for over 100 years. Instructional programs provide a strong foundation in the natural sciences, social sciences and economics which support curricula in agricultural and family and consumer sciences. The faculty trained in the basic and applied sciences pertaining to agriculture and related areas consists of scholars whose contributions to instruction, research, and cooperative extension are recognized well beyond the reaches of this University.
The International Agriculture Program involves all departments in the School of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Environmental and relates to the University . International Programs through the Office of the Coordinator for International Agriculture.
In overseas locations; research, teaching, and community out-reach are conducted by faculty in association with long-term development assistance projects. Additionally, faculty shares their expertise through short-term assignments for consultation in various overseas settings.
Departmental Organization:
The School of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Environmental is organized into the following departments: (1) Agricultural Education, Economics, and Rural Sociology, (2) Animal Science, and (3) Natural Resources and Environmental Design.
Requirements for Admissions:
The requirements for admission to the School of Agriculture and Environmental and Allied Sciences are the same as the general requirements for admission to the University. Some programs have higher requirements. Please see the specific Department of interest.
Requirements for Graduation:
The requirements for graduation for the Bachelor of Science Degree are as follows:
- The student must have satisfied the course requirements of an approved curriculum in an organized department administered by the School of Agriculture and Environmental and Allied Sciences.
- The student must have earned a cumulative average quality of at least a “C” in his or her major courses and in his or her overall academic program.
- Students planning to teach in agricultural education and family and consumer science Education must also meet the teaching requirements prescribed by the School of Education.
Educational Curricula:
Departments of the School of Agriculture, Food Sciences and Environmental provide several program options through curricula leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree. Graduates from these program options found careers in several areas of the agri-food industry from food processing to home economics…and from environmental work to international development.
There are four choices of Bachelor of Science degrees you can obtain: Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agroecology, and Food Science. After getting your degree you will have the skills needed for a professional career in the agriculture and food industry. Students will also have the necessary education to study at a graduate level.
With the School of Engineering in Agricultural, the Department of Biosystems Engineering offers students a unique education, combining biological or environmental applications in engineering, leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering. This degree also can be used as a pre-Med program to gain admission to the Faculty of Medicine.
A Pre-Veterinary Studies program is offered to students who plan to take the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Pre-veterinary students with proper academic may be admitted each year to Burnett International University school of Veterinary Medicine.
The Master of Science Degree is offered in agricultural education, animal science, plant and soil science, agricultural economics, and foods and nutrition. (For further details please consult the graduate school bulletin.)
Another option is the two-year Agriculture diploma. This combines an academic study of agricultural sciences with practical activities and projects on a wide range of agricultural subjects.
Both degree and diploma students can choose to participate in the Cooperative Education program, which integrates direct work experience in an organization with academic study. When you pursue a diploma or degree in Agricultural and food sciences, you are choosing a future that is dynamic. The Diploma in Agriculture program offers a practical education for those interested in operating a farm or working in an agricultural business. Although many diploma graduates return to family farms after graduating, an increasing number of graduates can be found working for agribusiness, financial institutions or the government.
Bachelor of Science Degree (4 years) There are four programs in the B.Sc. Program: Agriculture (3 options: Animal Systems, Agronomy, Plant Biotechnology);
Agribusiness (3 options: Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, International Agribusiness);
Agro-ecology and Food Science. Students will receive a solid foundation in biological, social and physical sciences, preparing them for professional careers in the agri-food industry or to continue with graduate studies. The first year of the degree program is completed in the University 1 program.
Admission information
To enter the degree program, high school students must have Chemistry 40S and Math 40S (Pre-Calculus). They must also complete a minimum of 24 credits hours (with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00) in the University 1 program. Physics 40S is required for the Pre-Veterinary program. In the diploma program, students enter directly from high school with Senior 4 English, Mathematics, and a Science. Students without high school standing may be admitted upon the recommendation of the Diploma Selection Committee.